Are you having problems with your rental relationship or rental situation? TenantLandlord / Management Company
[group landlord]
Ownership/management interest in the property —Please choose an option—Landlord/property owner who self manages the propertyIndividual property managerCorporate property managerRealtorIn-house leasing specialistOther (such as a relative of the property owner)
Please describe the current housing issue with your tenant.
[/group] [group tenant]
What problems are you having with your rental dwelling that you think an attorney could help you resolve?
Do you have a child or children under the age of 18 or 18 and still in high school living in your home? YesNo
If yes, how many and what are their ages?
Are there household members over the age of 55 who are also on the rental lease? YesNo
Are you behind in rent?* yesno
Please understand we are not a rental assistance agency. We provide free legal help for tenants at risk of eviction If yes, how far behind are you (i.e., how many months):
If you are behind in rent, have you applied for rental assistance from an agency? yesno
If so, where? If you are not currently behind in rent, have you received notice of an increase in your rent that you cannot afford to pay? yesno Have you received any type of notice to vacate from your landlord or an eviction summons? yesno
If yes, please tell us what the notice says:
Please let us know anything else you think is important.
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